Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Wishes and Christmas Dreams

I wish for you this Christmas:

Awareness of the true meaning of Christmas:  God reaching out to humanity, through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus, to reconcile all of His creation to Himself  and to unite us also with one another.

Awareness that you are loved and valued. God would not have reached out, if you were not.

A desire to extend that love and value to others, those close to you and those you do not yet know.

The knowledge that people are more valuable than profit or luxury or things.  The latter only have value as they are used for good. They have no value in and of themselves.

I dream of a world this Christmas:

Where we appreciate the gifts that we have and seek to use  them to improve the lives of others.

Where we see that we are a community, meant to support and help one another.

Where we are not disappointed with the content of our meals, but thankful that we have food to eat at all, and are concerned for those who don't have the luxury of disappointment.

Where  we are not discontented with the size of our homes, but simply thankful for the homes we have,  and are concerned for those who have no place to call home.

Where success is measured in how much we give away, rather than how much we have.

Where our first thought each morning is to ask how we can make the world just a little bit better today.

Where we are willing to live our lives, not in fear, but in the boldness that comes from knowing we are doing the right thing.

My wish for all of us this Christmas and every day is that our first inclination would be to seek justice for those who cannot do so themselves, to comfort those who have no comfort, and to bring peace to those who live in turmoil. May our hearts and our homes be open to those who are marginalized in this world, and may our desire be to have a positive impact in our global community. May its pain be our pain, and its joy, our joy.

The birth of Jesus signalled the beginning of a new era of Peace. In that stable in Bethlehem, God began the process of reconciling all of creation once again to Him and in Him. He has brought us healing, and has given us the mission of bringing spiritual, physical and emotional healing to the world. We are a community, united by the mercy of God.

A very Merry and Blessed Christmas to All!

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