Friday, April 24, 2015


Violets are shy flowers. They hide beneath the detritus of last year's garden and can be completely overlooked. Some years, I have missed their bloom altogether. I am always disappointed when that happens for violets, beloved and simple flowers,  speak to my heart. For me, they are the true heralds  of spring.

This past Sunday, my neighbour Debbie and I went looking for our violets, and we found them. Thanks to an amiable wind, I suppose, they had spread from my flowerbed to hers, and as we pushed aside some dead grasses, we found these delicate purple flowers hidden beneath.

We have violets in God's garden, too. They spread God's love, in their own quiet way,  in their neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools, barely noticed, sometimes completely overlooked, even by those who benefit from their gifts of service.  But when  our eyes are opened before God's throne, we may be surprised at some of those who receive the heartfelt "Well done, good and faithful servant." Then, their once undetected brilliance will shine for all to see in the light of the Father's Presence. 


  1. What a beautiful analogy, Kathy. I'm thinking of a few people I know who truly are violets in God's garden. Most don't notice them, but I know Jesus does. And he smiles.

  2. What a beautiful reminder through those tiny violets--of how we can all be tiny little violets bringing hope and life to a dead-looking world. Thanks Kathy.
