Thursday, September 20, 2012

I'm Back!

The implication of those words are likely lost on anyone reading this blog, but for me they are words of power, encouragement and determination! I have not really gone anywhere, no self-imposed exile or prolonged vacation, but I have certainly removed myself  to some extent from some of the dreams and plans I made reference to in earlier blogs.  Like so many of us, I was caught in the web of life, dealing with issues and problems in my day to day journey, not all of my own making. But, I have now decided it is time to reclaim that which is mine.
As a result, I am beginning again.  Not only writing in this blog, but seizing the adventure of living once more, whatever may come, for life is, indeed, an adventure, and that continues through times of rest and times of  furious activity, times of fulfillment and times of regret.  My life has been a roller coaster for as long as I can remember, but I know I am not alone in that experience. The question is not one of how to slow things down (although that would be nice!) but one of how to avoid falling off as we round the corners and brave the loops and fear-evoking hills.  I am determined to take every day as it comes, and to take out of every day whatever I can.  A part of me feels that there is no point, that it is too late to start once more, but I refuse to believe that is really the case. 
 It is never too late to learn. Isn't that really the biggest adventure of all? 

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